API Spec 6A
Type 6B/6BX
Crosses And Tees
Competitively priced
Coated for corrosion resistance
Custom sizes and specificaitons available
We will color
the products
in any color
you need
Every material in your oil and gas production needs to function seamlessly to avoid delays in progress and maximize profit. Neder Energy manufactures studded crosses/studded blocks and tees to divert, bypass or distribute fluid flow. These reliable products are available at a competitive price. Crosses and tees receive an application coating enhancing corrosion resistance. Choose from our standard sizes or customize your order for the right size and connection.
Material Level: DD, EE, FF Spec: PSL1~PSL3

Customized Orders (eg. 5 way or 6 way blocks): Please contact us for your specific customized needs.

Studded Tees

Studded Crossess

Your Order
Find out more about customizing your order here.
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